Saturday Sharing from the She-shed Volume 19
What’s Happening at WM Design House
Happy Saturday my friends!
We came home from Texas after a fun time with the kids. Except I came home with a bug, but I am feeling better today.
It is always such a joy to see my son being a daddy, this picture makes my heart sing.
Daddy’s and their girls. So sweet.
I had to throw it in high gear when I got home. I had two big projects due this week and my regular job on top of that, it was a bit of a struggle, but I got it all finished.
I am so excited to spend the day in the garden today. The weather has been fabulous and the plants are all so happy. We are grateful for all of the rain we had this winter and spring. I am going to fertilize., and add a few plants of course. ( one can never have too many plants)
Have you ever tested your soil? It’s so important to make sure you have the right nutrients for your plants to grow. I tested my soil, and I need to add some Nitrogen and Potassium. I am going to use a mixture of blood meal, bone meal and some fish meal to solve the problem.
I am sure in a few weeks, all of the plants will be thriving and in full bloom. (at least that is my hope)
The cutting garden
The Dahlias are about 6″ tall now and the Coleus and Fox Gloves are coming along.
We have planted some vegetables and I will plant a few more this weekend.

The rest of the garden was fed about a month ago with Gro-Power ( one of my favorite fertilizers) and I can definitely can see the improvement.
I will most likely give it another dose this weekend as I try to feed all of the plants once a month.

This is a double delight rose bush that was given to me when we had the twins. The buds are just starting to appear and open. It always makes me smile, and to think the twins will be 30 this year. Where do the years go?

Recent blog posts
Just in case you missed something last week.
Since I have had gardening on my mind so much lately, I wrote a post with 21 Easy Ideas for Decorating with Hydrangeas. I also share what kind of hydrangeas I grow and how to dry them. It’s not too late, you can still plant some.
I also had so much fun Thrifting with the Gals this week. I took a trip to the historic West Bottoms of Kansas City, Missouri and came home with a few vintage picture frames. And yes, I gave them some moss love! If you missed this, it’s a must see!

Coming Soon
I have two great posts planned for this week. I will be sharing some summer front door decor ideas and a great post on what to do with old or leftover lemons.
My Favorite Blog Posts from The Web
On to other happy notes, let me share some of my favorite posts on the web this week.
Are you a succulent lover? I wasn’t for the longest time, but I have certainly turned the corner and my friend Jennifer @cottageonbunkerhill shares a great DIY project you can make at home.
I am sure you are all anxious to get your garden going. Stacy @bricks’nblooms is sharing a wonderful post on early spring blooming flowers.
Wouldn’t you love an alternative to mashed potatoes and gravy? Diane @southhousedesigns has the perfect answer. Check it out.
If you have not met my friend Cindy @reinventeddelaware, she is one talented lady. She recently refinished this darling luggage rack, wait until you see her post!
Get ready for May Day
I grew up in Pennsylvania where May day was celebrated in style. We would gather flowers from our garden and create darling baskets to take to our friends and neighbors.
I don’t see this much in California, but I do try to gather my granddaughters to put a few baskets together to share with our neighbors.

Oh… there are always so many good posts! It was so hard not to share them all ….
That about wraps it up for me this week.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Wendy, glad you are feeling better! Love your May basket. I, too, am having a great gardening year. We had a lot of rain this winter and cooler temps. Yes, I do test my soil every year and I will need to try that fertilizer. I love being in the garden as this is our “high” time before the blistering summers. Sadly, we cannot grow hydrangeas here but hoping to plant some at our mountain cabin this year. Thanks for all the good shares.
Your gardens and flowers look amazing Wendy!
I hope you’re feeling better after your trip to Texas and congratulations on the new baby!
Hey Wendy.
Glad you had a good trip. Love your garden tips.
Thank you, Rachel. I hope you are doing well.
So glad that you are on the mend, Wendy. I had two of my grandchildren over this weekend. They were coughing up a storm. The kids were sick two weeks ago and still coughing. The pollen does not help things either. Hang in there!
Thank you, Tammy, I was on the mend, and then took a few steps back, UGH! I hope you don’t get sick from the kids. We are supposed to have our three granddaughters this coming weekend.
Happy weekend, Wendy. There seems to be a lot of germs going around again. I’m glad you’re feeling better!
Thank you Jen! I hope you had a nice weekend.
Oh Wendy I am so happy for your family! So precious that photo is of your son and his girls. I have to agree, there’s no love like that the a daddy has for his girls <3
So true!!!! I hope you had a wonderful weekend Nicole.