January 2022 Reset Goals

To get my year off to a good start, I like to take some time in January to reset goals and prepare for the New Year.

Coming off a busy holiday season, when we are constantly go-go-go, it’s essential to slow down and take some time to check in with ourselves and our goals.

This year, I did just that and came up with a January 2022 Reset Goals list.

It feels great to start the year with a fresh outlook and new goals, both personally and professionally.

In this goal-setting process, I find it essential to acknowledge all I have accomplished over the last year and the areas where I have struggled. Also, to think about what brought me the most joy, what caused the most stress, and how to recreate those feelings or change them. Lastly, it is so important when creating our goals that they are realistic and obtainable.

You’ll notice that I use the term “Reset Goals’ instead of “Resolutions.”

Resolutions have a bad reputation for being hard to keep. Goals, on the other hand, are often more specific and intentional. No matter what term you use or what you choose to call it, the key to goal setting is to create a plan that can break down into small, manageable steps. Reachable setting goals makes it so much easier to stick to them.


It makes sense that one of my January 2022 Reset Goals is to… plan!

Looking back, I found that one of the biggest causes of stress was a lack of planning. Therefore, my first goal is to spend a full day planning the entire month out at the beginning of each month. A plan written down with specific, obtainable steps will be easier to stick to and will eliminate the stress of feeling that something is being missed or forgotten.

Sticking to Goals

Last week I came across a blog post written by my friend Crystal at Sweet Valley Acres about creating a vision board for the new year. I love this idea and plan to create a vision board for my January 2022 Reset Goals. You can find her blog post here at @sweetvalleyacres.com. The idea is that having goals and dreams physically and visually in front of you helps to bring them to life.

You set your goals before you as a daily reminder of your plan and why it is essential.

Other ideas that may help with sticking to goals are keeping a calendar or having an accountability partner. You may have “off” days or even “off” weeks, but the key is to remember why you set the goal in the first place and not to give up!

It took me three days to put away the Christmas decorations.

It was a lot to pack away, but it feels nice to have a clean slate for the new year. I transitioned from Christmas to winter décor, adding greenery, fresh flowers, and fun signs. Living in California, it is easy to jump right into decorating for spring after the holidays. However, adding winter décor has been a nice change, and I enjoy it. My redecorating goal for 2022 is to stick to what I love, not what is trending.


Another one of my January 2022 Reset Goals is to get organized! Last year I tackled the pantry in January. One big project will be my craft room. I always seem to be in the middle of a project or have materials lying around from recently completed projects. I want to create a manageable system that will help me stay organized even while juggling various projects.

Another organizational project to tackle this year is my closets.

First, I need to purge,; go through and get rid of the clothes I do not wear, then figure out a way to stay neat and organized. Keep an eye on the blog for some upcoming organizational projects as I work on this goal!

Health and Wellness, I think we can all relate to needing to be more mindful of our health and wellness habits this time of year. Looking back on the past year, one of my biggest failures was giving up on walking. I still have been playing pickleball. However,  I used to walk every day, and this past year spent that time and energy focusing on other goals. Unfortunately, I fell out of the habit.


Life, in general, is stressful, and it’s essential to look at how we control it. Unfortunately, I tend to head to the refrigerator or cookie jar when stressed. One of my goals for 2022 is to turn that around and instead focus on something more healthful.

Small, incremental changes to cut back on sweets and exercising will significantly impact my physical and mental health over time.

Finally, I want to share some goal-setting quotes that I have found personally inspirational.

I am excited for 2022 to get back in the She Shed, get my hands dirty, and have some fun. I am wishing you all health, wealth, and happiness in the New Year!

“You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.”. – Jim Rohn.

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn

“Everybody has their own Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb.” – Seth Godin.

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” – Napoleon Hill

“Most “impossible” goals can be met simply by breaking them down into bite-size chunks, writing them down, believing them, and then going full speed ahead as if they were routine.” – Don Lancaster

“Your goal should be just out of reach, but not out of sight.” – Denis Waitley and Remi Witt

“Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time.” – Bob Proctor

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  1. First I have to comment that I love the photo of you sitting in your she shed! Absolutely beautiful!!! I agree with you regarding “goals” being kinder and definitely more intentional. Also, we have a lot of the same goals so it is nice to see I am not alone. Thank you so much for sharing my vision board. I really appreciate it. Cheers to getting our goals completed this year!!! Thanks again Wendy

    1. Thank you Crystal, so sorry for the late reply. It has been quite a few weeks for me.

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