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The Best Soil for Dahlias; How to Grow Beautiful Flowers

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Soil Essentials for Dahlias  

A beautiful garden begins with healthy soil. Remember, healthy soil means healthy plants.

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What is the Best Soil for Dahlia Plants

Lightweight, well-draining soil is essential for Dahlia plants to thrive.

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How to Create the Best Soil for Dahlias

It is essential to identify the type of soil you are planting in order to add the proper amount of nutrients, compost and amendments.

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Warm Soil and Sunny Days

Dahlia Tubers do not like cold soil. Wait until the last frost has passed  and the soil is 60 degrees for the best results.

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Where to Plant Dahlia Tubers  

Dahlias love full sun and lots of morning light. Ensure that your Dahlias have 6-8 hours of sun daily.

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Growing Tips for Dahlias

Once your Dahlias become young plants, it is important to feed them properly and ward off the pests. 

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Most, but not all, Dahlias are tall plants that need support as they grow. Stake early to avoid hitting the tubers. 

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Staking Your Dahlias

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Yellow Star

Harvesting Your Dahlias for the Winter  

Depending on where you live, you will need to dig up your tubers for the Winter.

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