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Yield: 1 Flower Pot

DIY Cement Planter: Pottery Barn Fluted Flower Pot Dupe

A Full tutorial on how to make a fluted cement lower pot


  • Chip brushes
  • One plastic large planter fluted flower pot
  • Henry's featherweight concrete
  • Clear wax
  • Dark wax
  • Potting soil
  • Plants
  • Small container to mix your cement in
  • Paper towels
  • Garden trowel


Gather your materials

  • Gather all your materials from the list above and prepare a workspace.
  • Be sure to use heavy paper to cover your work surface.

Mixing the cement mixture

  • Use two parts of concrete mixture to one part water in a smaller container.
  • The consistency should be like thick mud, so you want to be careful not to add to much water. You can always add more if you want the consistency to be a bit thinner.

Adding Cement to your Fluted Plastic Pot

  • Apply a small amount of the concrete mixture onto a chip brush and brush it onto the flower pot.
  • You can add a small amount of peat moss if you want more texture.
  • Follow the concrete cure time directions and allow it to dry.
  • Continue until you have finished an entire first coat.
  • Apply a second coat and allow it to dry for a full day.
  • For a smoother finish, you can use an electric sander to lightly smooth the concrete.

Apply a sealant coating with furniture wax

  • Adding a coat of furniture wax protects the flower pot and adds a layer of texture.
  • Start by applying a layer of clear wax.
  • Slowly add dark wax with the clear wax to contour and define your concrete projects.
  • Use paper towel to wipe off any access wax or to spread some of the wax
  • Allow the wax to dry in a cool place.
  • Planting your Fluted Concrete Planter

Prepare the Planter and Planting

  • Prepare the modern concrete planter by adding a drainage hole. You can do this using a particular drill bit for plastic and drilling a few holes in the bottom of the planter.
  • It's a good idea to add a layer of rock for drainage.
  • Add potting soil to prepare for planting.
  • Choose plants with a variety of colors and heights.
  • Plant the taller plants in the back and the shorter plants in the front.